Herpetological Surveys, LLC conducts field surveys to determine the presence of Amphibians, Reptiles, and Turtles listed as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern.
Such surveys are mandated by state and local governments as a part of the development permit process. We also offer surveys for land trusts applying for state grants, as well as snake removal and poison free rodent control.
Our surveys include habitat assessments as well as detecting the presence of protected species. We also do education for employees on the work site as well as daily sweeps and monitoring. We can give guidance for the best development practices with the least impact for the species of concern.
Our herpetologists have over 50 years of combined experience. We secure any state and town permits needed as well as any scientific collection permits that might be required. We perform surveys throughout the state of Connecticut as well as other states and countries. We work closely with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to ensure all requirements are satisfied.
Our team has completed Herpetological surveys and consultation for:
- TRS Group
- Bell Atlantic
- Cingular Mobil
- AT&T
- Sprint
- Town of Guilford
- Clinton Land Conservation Trust
- Mattabasett Audubon
- Menunkatuck Audubon
- The Copperhead Institute
- Private land owners
- Additional land trusts